Lake Bogoria
Lake Bogoria almost always supports large flocks of flamingoes, where they sometimes even outnumber those at Lake Nakuru when conditions are suitable. Loburu Hot Springs are boiling geysers that erupt from the western shore of Bogoria are a reminder of the high level of recent tectonic activity that shaped this stretch of the Kenyan Rift Valley. Bogoria peaked as a tourist destination in the mid-1990s, when it took over from Lake Nakuru as the most popular feeding site for the Rift Valley’s million-strong flocks of flamingo. Today, flock-size varies greatly on both lakes as the birds move en masse from one lake to the other. There is no transport to the lake itself, but the occasional matatu runs to the village of Loboi at the main entrance gate, and it is permitted to walk or cycle unguided from there as far as Loburu Hot Springs. A 4WD is needed to explore deeper into the park. Baringo has regular minibus connections from Nakuru to the lakeside village of Kampi ya Samaki, and is a regular fixture on organized safaris, especially with ornithologists. Once there, the shore and cliffs can be explored on foot, and boat trips to the lake’s islands can be arranged through a hotel.